Create maintenance

Maintenance events are for planned work in the future which will impact a service or services. They are always a single element with a start and end time and date. Recurring events can be created, and scheduled notifications can be set, such as '1 day before' or '1 hour before'. 

This form is opened by clicking the Add maintenance button on the Hub Operations: Maintenance form and on the Hub Operations: Overview form; also, by clicking the “Create maintenance” option on the Home (see Actions button ⋮ ).

The form has these sections:
  1. Provide details
  2. Recurring maintenance
  3. Set affected Groups & Services
  4. Notifications

1 Provide details

Title: Enter a name that describes the overall issue. For example, “Website scheduled maintenance” or “Scheduled maintenance of database clusters”.  

Start time (time zone): Select the time the maintenance is scheduled to start. The time zone depends on the Default time zone selected on the Hub Config: Main Settings form.

End time (time zone): Select the time the maintenance is scheduled to end.

Message: Enter a brief but meaningful explanation of the planned maintenance.

Suppress automated incidents during maintenance: This feature depends on the Send notifications during maintenance toggle being turned off (see Hub Config: Notification Event settings tab).

2 Recurring maintenance

Repeat maintenance: Select the checkbox to make the time frame options appear. Set the recurrence pattern that you need.  

This separate article Recurring Events has more details of the options to make chanages after you have created a sequence of recurring events.

Note: You can add recurring maintenance without end on date.

  • Add maintenance: Provide details. Set recurring section without End on date
  • Create maintenance: Scheduled event base and all the future recurring events are created until 2030-01-05 (cut-off date)

Set affected Services

Select a service: Click the button to choose the services that will be affected in the planned maintenance. You may select: one or more groups, one or multiple services from different groups.

Once you choose the services that you want to report, select one of these status levels:
  • Green: Operating normally.
  • Orange: Service will be accessible but issues will be experienced. Some functionality may not be available.
  • Red: Will not be accessible. Service unavailable.

Tip: To select the appropriate status level click one of the three available colors. Set the status for all groups and services, for a specific group, or for specific services.

4 Notifications

Send immediate notification to subscribers: The checkbox is selected by default. If you don’t want to send the notification, make sure you clear the checkbox.

Schedule additional notifications: Select checkbox to make this drop-down list appear:

Schedule notifications: Choose when your subscribers will be notified about the planned maintenance.


Create maintenance: Click to save the new maintenance event and make it public on the status page. New maintenance events are displayed on your hub page and in the Hub Operations: Maintenance: Current tab.

Save as draft: Click to save a draft of a new maintenance event. This allows you to review it before making it public. Your team members also receive an email notification with details of the draft. Maintenance drafts are displayed in the Hub Operations: Maintenance: Drafts tab.

Cancel: Click to cancel maintenance creation.


Use template: Click the button to open the Select template form.

Select one of the available templates. If needed, you can later adjust the options and the default message provided. 

Tip: To change the template after one is selected, hover over the current template name (for example, “Scheduled maintenance of database cluster”), click it, and select another template.

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