Create incident

Incidents are for unplanned outages or disruptions. Incidents are always made up of at least two parts, the first update and the final update, which is always resolved. And there can be as many intermediate updates as needed. 

This form is opened by clicking the Add incident button on the Hub Operations: Incident form and on the Hub Operations: Overview form.

The form has these sections:

  1. Provide details
  2. Set affected Services
  3. Notifications

1 Provide details

Title: Enter a name that describes the overall issue. For example, “Database connectivity issues”, “API requests timing out”, or “DNS issues”. 

Start time (time zone): Enter the time when the issue is reported. Keep end users well informed by submitting incidents promptly. The time zone depends on the Default time zone selected on the Hub Config: Main Settings. By default, the 'Start time' is set to the current time.

Incident type: Select the type that describes the current state of the incident. These are the available types:

  • Investigating: You’re aware of an issue but do not know what’s causing it.
  • Identified: You’ve found the cause of the issue and are now working on a solution.
  • Monitoring: You’ve implemented a solution and are watching its progress until the issue is finally resolved.

Message: Enter a brief but meaningful explanation of the issue. Information included in an incident should answer questions such as: What is the identified issue? What is being done about it? When is the issue expected to be resolved? 

2 Set affected Services

Select affected service: Click the button to choose the services affected by the issue reported in the incident. You may select one or more groups, one or multiple services from different groups.

Once you choose the services that you want to report, select one of these status levels:

  • Green: Operating normally at the moment.
  • Orange: Service can be accessed but it’s experiencing issues. Some functionality may not be available.
  • Red: Cannot be accessed. Service is currently unavailable.

Tip: To select the appropriate status level click one of the three available colors. Set the status for all groups and services, for a specific group, or for specific services

3 Notifications

Send immediate notification to subscribers: Defaults to “Yes”. If you don’t want to send the notification, make sure you select “No”.


Create incident: Click to save the new incident and publish it on the status page. New incidents are displayed on your hub page and in the Hub Operations: Incidents: Current tab, and all subscribers will be notified. 
Save as draft: Click to save a draft of a new incident. This allows you to create an incident ahead of time and review it before making it public. Your team members also receive an email notification with details of the draft. Incident drafts are displayed on the Drafts tab.
Cancel: Click to cancel Incident creation.


Use template: Click the button to open the Select template form.

Select one of the available templates. If needed, you can later adjust the options and the default message provided.

Tip: To change the template after one is selected, hover over the current template name (for example, "Website is down"), click it, and select another template.

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