Integrate Uptrends with StatusHub

This article takes you through the steps to integrate your Uptrends account with StatusHub.

In StatusHub:

To connect Uptrends to your StatusHub page, click on 'Services and Integrations' in the Hub Config section. 

Once here, you will need to select the "Services & Integrations" option on the side menu.

Click the arrow on the right.

You will then see these options appear. Click on the 3 dots to the right to reveal the drop-down menu and choose the Edit option.

Under Edit services, select Integrations and choose Uptrends, then save.

After you select the Uptrends option, we will generate a webhook for you to use at Uptrends.

Please note that your link maybe be slightly different than the one in the image above, and you should always refer to the "Services & Integrations" section when adding new integration in one of the supported 3rd party services.

This completes the steps in StatusHub.

Now login to your Uptrends account. First, you will need to add StatusHub as an alert option.

On the main menu, hover over "Alerting" and click on "Integrations," then click on the "Add Integration" button on the far right of the screen.

You can now choose "StatusHub" in the drop-down labeled Integration Type, which will refresh the page as shown below.

Simply input an Integration name (we suggest StatusHub), then click on Save.

When you open the StatusHub tab under Integrations, you will be able to 'Add Service' to reveal the next input options.

Here you must input the service name and the URL generated in StatusHub earlier. You may enter as many services as you need here.

When done, click on the "Save" button at the base of the page to complete this step.

Next, you need to connect this to your monitoring alerts.

Again hover over Alerting in the main menu and click on "Alert definitions."

Now click on the Alert you wish to connect. (you may only have one called Default Alert

From there, choose the 2nd tab labeled Escalation level 1.

Please Note: You can set this for each level, but we will just show the process for one level.

Tick the checkbox in the 3rd section to activate StatusHub. Then use the drop-downs to choose the Monitor and Service to connect. 

Please Note: Additional service links may be added here. It is acceptable to point multiple Monitors to one Service in StatusHub.

Finally, click on save at the bottom left of the page. 

You will see the Uptrends automatically create an incident. When the Uptrends detects that the issue has been resolved, it will adjust the service to 'Service is up' and update the incident type to 'Monitoring.' You can change the incident type to 'Resolved' when you are sure the issue has been solved.

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us.

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